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Best Piano Software For Laptop

erbissicurchaqui 2021. 1. 13. 23:36

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Customers recommend

Mini Piano is a fun on the go App which you can use right off the bat with its intuitive interface its great for kids and adults. ★ Full set of 88 resizable piano keys. ★ Choose from different instruments to play. ★ Mini Piano features custom engineered 44100khz sampled audio. ★ Record and save your own piano tunes.

  1. For one, you do not have to empty your wallet for a piano or keyboard, as virtual piano software for Windows 10 tend to be free. Furthermore, a virtual keyboard allows users to more easily record their creative pieces. So, if you are a musician that is looking for the best piano software for Windows 10, then you’ve come to the right place.
  2. Tune Your Piano Using Free Software: This guide will show you how to tune your piano using just a couple of tools and a free program called Entropy. Even if you've never thought about tuning your piano yourself before, you can achieve a satisfying result with a little effort and pati.
See items customers recommended most in reviews and Q&A

…It's definitely a good product for someone with a small home studio looking for making music on their computer.

No deep scan capability. https://fecriasmutan.tistory.com/17. Speedy scanning process. Multiple languages available.What I Dislike:.

Reviewed on Jan 18, 2017

…* The slim size of the keyboard overall is great for fitting into a workstation and accommodating a computer keyboard or laptop.…

…For the price, this is a bargain and totally appropriate to sit on your computer desk.…

I was able to plug this into my Windows 10 computer and get it to work with PreSonus Studio One 4 Artist in less than a minute.

Reviewed on Feb 4, 2019

this controller is cool.i didn't download the free software,i have an editor i like just fine(Sony acid).if you connect through the usb to your computer it will work but not with its firmware,it works as a midi controller but thats it.i ran it through my USB interface mixer,i used a 3.5 audio cord for the connection from the mpk mini plays earphone jack to the line in on my mixer and it works great. all in all this gizmo is useful and i like it.it also works well in my editor as a midi board controller .as every one has stated in the negative reviews the speaker does suck but though a mixer or headphones it works just fine.

Reviewed on Apr 6, 2019

This functions perfectly for what I use it for (learning vocal parts while sitting at my computer using tracks) It stashes easily in a bag or backpack and is super light when you are on the go.…

Reviewed on May 9, 2014

See what other customers said

…It's definitely a good product for someone with a small home studio looking for making music on their computer.

Reviewed on Jan 18, 2017

Fun and easy to use and connect with your computer.…

Reviewed on Jul 29, 2016

great high quality equiptment, bought it for my fiance, she is into music production and she absolutely loves it, would be great though if you could use it seperate from your computer though

Reviewed on Feb 10, 2017
Does this plug into an amp or is it only for computers

Only into computers. It

Can you use without a computer

no you cant, need the computer sofware to make it work

So much functionality, so many options, fairly good computer support.…

Reviewed on May 10, 2017

…It is easy for him to with, as far as hooking it up to the computer, he had no problems.…

Reviewed on Apr 21, 2016

…I love how he is being creative, while on the computer.…

Reviewed on Apr 25, 2018
Can it be powered on without the computer

AKAI support here! The MPK Mini MKII will require the use of a computer. If you have any other questions, please feel free to call or email us using the contact information on akaipro.com/support.

How do you connect this keyboard? do you just plug the usb connector into your computer? i am new to Midi?

Yup, your DAW/Computer should recognize it!

See what other customers said

Only okay. Don't count on using the pads for anything serious

…* The slim size of the keyboard overall is great for fitting into a workstation and accommodating a computer keyboard or laptop.…

Does it record internally, or must it be accompanied by computer software?

Accompanied by computer software.

do you need a computer for this?

Basically, you need a computer for every USB MIDI Keyboard. So, yes, you do.

do you need a computer for this?


Do this work without a computer? Meaning can my 8 year old take this device and use it to make beats without being connected to a computer

Alesis support here! The V25 is a MIDI keyboard controller only and does not have any built-in sounds or memory. With that, a computer will be required to make beats. If you have any other questions, please feel free to email me directly at mvieira@inmusicbrands.com.

What cable do I need to connect it to my computer?

It should come with it but usually its a firewire cable like this: http://www.cablestogo.com/product/45003/3m-ultima-usb-2.0-a-b-cable-9.8ft?utm_source=Google&utm_medium=Shopping&utm_campaign=SEM&gclid=Cj0KEQjwhbzABRDHw_i4q6fXoLIBEiQANZKGWwszWtfB8J_8602QFs2wWV6YVxN8Q2p4OBhvuL9i5QwaAj7x8P8HAQ. But be careful because there are different firewires

does this product come with all the needed cords?

It comes with a with a cable to plug into anything that uses USB. Mainly your computer.

Does it come with the wires needed?

Yes it is just a USB cord that connects from the keyboard to your computer!

Will this work on an imac with logic pro x or other midi software like musescore?

Yes. As soon as you plug in the Alesis V series, it's driver should install into your computer. It works with most DAWs.

Does anybody have probblems with sticking notes? Or any other?

What do you mean sticking notes? Like keys sticking or audio through your computer 'sticking' or sustaining?

See what other customers said

Straighforward. No pointless features. Exactly what you need for soft synth DAW work.

…For the price, this is a bargain and totally appropriate to sit on your computer desk.…

…He was very excited when he hooked it up to the computer and started playing.…And you have to understand, we have a full-size electric piano that he hooks up to the computer too.…

Reviewed on Jun 17, 2016

…Otherwise, I like that I have all the transport controls at my fingertips for recording and playback without having to reach for the computer keyboard.…

Reviewed on Sep 16, 2016
Can the software be installed on 2 computers (mac and PC) or does it require an additional license?

More than one computer. I have it on both my desktop (pc) and macbook which is nice since I can't bring my desktop everywhere but it is much more powerful than my laptop

do i need to purchase an audio interface or can this plus straight into the computer and allow recording from there

Hello, This can be plugged directly into the computer. Whether or not you need an interface depends on the software you are using. If this was helpful, please consider purchasing from us (pixelproaudio on Amazon). We can help with support after the sale as well. We have it in stock and ready to ship. - Pixel Pro Audio

Do you need ableton to use this keyboard?

I use it for my computer. Cheers!

Is this a good long term option for someone looking to learn how to play the keyboard?I'm not looking to opt for a cheaper option.

Yes if u have the right programs on your computer

How to connect

You just connect a USB cable to your computer and that powers the unit and connects it so the sound came come out of your computer interface or speakers.

Can u play the keyboard through an amp

This hooks up to your computer and the sound comes out of the computer. So you can hook your computer up to an amp and then amplify it that way.If this was helpful, please consider purchasing from us on Amazon. We can help with support after the sale as well. We have it in stock and ready to ship. - Pixel Pro Audio

does this come with Ableton installed?

It comes with the download code for Ableton Lite. You install that on your computer.

See what other customers said

I was able to plug this into my Windows 10 computer and get it to work with PreSonus Studio One 4 Artist in less than a minute.

Reviewed on Feb 4, 2019
Does it come with the usb to plug it into the computer?

It comes with a green chord that plugs into the computer.

If you have external power for it is it possible to use it without your computer?

No, you'll need your computer too.

Is this compatible with any tablet or computer?


Does this come with all the Chords and Cables to hook up to the computer?

Hi Katie, when you buy new or b stock from us (seller pixelproaudio on Amazon) it will come with the cable needed to hook it up to the computer.If this was helpful, please consider purchasing from us (pixelproaudio on Amazon). We can help with support after the sale as well. We have it in stock and ready to ship. - Pixel Pro Audio

With included software, can i plug and play? are the included sounds good quality and realistic? are their sampled instruments? im not a computer wizz

Must install a driver. No sounds in keyboard--just a contoller. There may be some loops bundled with Ableton lite

Can it plug into an amp?

connect by usb cable to a computer or ipad

Can you play music on the launch pad?

You need to hook it up to your computer. The sounds come out of the computer. It comes with tons of software synthesizers, and sound samples, which again are on the computer and controlled using the Launchkey.

Does this include the USB cord?

Yes it comes with the USB cable for the Keyboard to the computer.

launch clips and play beats explain or does this unit have a drum rhythm machine with adj tempo?

This is a controller for your computer. So you would control the software with this. It also comes with tons of software and loops, and samples, so you can create just about any drum beat you want. To be clear, you do that in your computer. The sound comes out of your computer.

See what other customers said

Piano For Laptop Keyboard

this controller is cool.i didn't download the free software,i have an editor i like just fine(Sony acid).if you connect through the usb to your computer it will work but not with its firmware,it works as a midi controller but thats it.i ran it through my USB interface mixer,i used a 3.5 audio cord for the connection from the mpk mini plays earphone jack to the line in on my mixer and it works great. all in all this gizmo is useful and i like it.it also works well in my editor as a midi board controller .as every one has stated in the negative reviews the speaker does suck but though a mixer or headphones it works just fine.

Reviewed on Apr 6, 2019
can i use the internal sounds when powered via usb? (no computer/no software installed on computer)

I think so. That's why I got it but it's a Christmas gift. I haven't opened it yet. It's a mini play and keyboard not a midi player. A midi player only exports sound to a computer.

Best Piano Software For Laptop Computer

Hi, would i need to use batteries even to use the keyboard as a midi controller on a computer? or would it be usb-powered for that? thank you!

AKAI support here! When using the MPK Mini Play with a computer, it will be powered by the USB connection. If you have any other questions, please feel free to call or email us using the contact information on akaipro.com/support.

What do I need if I want to use an iPad instead of a computer?

AKAI support here! You will need a Lightning to USB adapter from Apple in order to properly connect the keyboard to an iPad. If you have any other questions, please feel free to call or email us using the contact information on akaipro.com/support.

Does the play need to be connected to a computer? Or can it be used on its own?

'Packed with 128 sounds, its own built-in speaker, 8 backlit MPC drum pads & knobs for editing your sounds and a 4-way joystick for simple, tactile control, and you have all you need to take your music on-the-go.' -Please only use this question section for questions that aren't covered in the description. Read everything

dos it have electric cords

It comes with a USB cord for connecting to your computer.

Why is there a 100 dollar version and 130 dollar?

The MPK Mini MKII is a MIDI keyboard controller only which is cheaper than the MPK Mini Play, which is a MIDI keyboard controller that also has built-in sounds so a computer isn't needed to play. If you have any other questions, please call or email us using the contact information on akaipro.com/support.

i just wan o clarify this controller has built in sounds as well as being a midi controller? thank you for your time

AKAI support here! Correct, it has built-in sounds and can be used as a MIDI controller via USB with a computer. If you have any other questions, please feel free to call or email us using the contact information on akaipro.com/support.

What are the software requirements?

AKAI support here! The included softwares will require a Windows or Mac computer running at least an i3 processor, 4GB of RAM, and at least Windows 7 or Windows and 10.10 for Mac. If you have any other questions, please feel free to call or email us using the contact information on akaipro.com/support.

Can I connect headphone by blue tooth, and is there a mic connection and is that Bt able too?

You can if you have blue tooth jack, headphone or external wire can be used as external speaker for audio system at the back of your device. You can integrate the mic via your computer thru FL studio or Akai softwear that you can download for Free

See what other customers said

This functions perfectly for what I use it for (learning vocal parts while sitting at my computer using tracks) It stashes easily in a bag or backpack and is super light when you are on the go.…

Reviewed on May 9, 2014

…It fits very neatly on a very crowded computer desk and makes step entry of note data rather easy.…

Find issue date on missouri driver license. Starting in August 2017, the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles began issuing a new, more secure Florida driver license and ID card.

Reviewed on Mar 31, 2010

This did exactly what my daughter wanted, she was able to hook this up to her computer and use it when she was writing music.…

Reviewed on Jan 10, 2016
Do you need a computer


Sturdy enough for 10 yr old?

It's perfect, although it requires a computer.

When tiny and cheap is better than big and expensive

…But it's the ideal solution for many of us who may be working at a desktop computer with Garageband, Band-in-the-Box, Finale, Sibelius, Audacity or a similar program.…

…The price is ridiculously low and it fits easily in my computer bag.…

Reviewed on Jan 24, 2010

…I've used a Korg Triton as midi, a Korg Trinity and a Oxygen 8 (the first one) so I know how to work a midi controller and I'm A+ certified so I know how to work with computers.…

Reviewed on Dec 14, 2012
is there a place to plug in earphones so keyboard can be used without noise to those around you?

You HAVE to plug in the keyboard to a computer and you can plug in headphones to the computer. So yes.

you can plug a headphone?

You have to plug headphones into your computer.

Best Rated in Computer Recording MIDI Controllers

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This guide will show you how to tune your piano using just a couple of tools and a free program called Entropy. Even if you've never thought about tuning your piano yourself before, you can achieve a satisfying result with a little effort and patience.


Why should you learn to tune your piano? If you’re like me, you enjoy the satisfaction of fixing and maintaining your own equipment, such as cars and computers, so now you can add your piano to that list! It's true that a professional tuner will certainly do a better job than you. However, if you haven't had your piano tuned in a while, you can likely get it sounding noticeably better than it currently does, even in your piano-tuning infancy. If you don't feel up to tuning your entire piano, you can learn the basic skills to be able to fix specific notes on your piano that are glaringly out of tune. I personally have enjoyed tuning my own piano, and I look forward to improving my skills as time goes on.

Best Piano Software For Laptop

The most important skills you will need are being able to properly use a tuning hammer, and being able to hear beating and identify when two strings are in tune. Both of these will come with practice.